There are so many friends of mine doing amazing work for rescue dogs in Bali and Sri Lanka.
As today is Galentines Day - I wanted to celebrate them!
Ania founded Hope for Bali Dogs. I can still remember the first time I met her when she had just moved to Bali. We connected online after she asked me for help with two puppy siblings she and her friend had found on the beach. That was almost 6 years ago now! Hope For Bali Dogs Instagram
Emilia is a friend of Ania’s and that's how we got connected. She helps so many of her Balinese neighbors - from food donations to vaccinations and medication. She’s an inspiration to those she lives around and they are lucky to know her! Bali Dog Trio Instagram
Naomi - a fellow dog lover turned good friend! Like many of my first friends in Bali, we connected over our love for dogs. Often spending our free time together at the beach … talking about dogs! Naomi offers a helping hand to anyone who asks. She has fostered so many dogs in need - often helping them find amazing forever homes overseas.
Desy is the gal behind Bali Paws. Man do I miss caching up with Desy over a Bintang at Old Mans! Desy and I met - you guessed it, while connecting over dogs. Desy and her sister were some of the first people I met when I moved to Bali and we immediately connected. These sisters do awesome things for the dogs of Bali, often spending all of their free time taking their rescues on adventures around the island. Bali Paws Instagram
Vera was my first and closest friend while living in Sri Lanka. I reached out to her before I moved over, knowing we had a common interest, and it ended up creating a great friendship. Vera has been helping Sri Lanka dogs since she arrived on the island. She now lives with 8 of her own rescues and hosts monthly sterilization days in her home. Ceylon Paws Instagram
The sweetest friend, Wero is always looking out for the dogs she finds that need help. From the neighborhood dogs, to the dogs she sees when scootering around the South of Sri Lanka, Wero is always thinking of how she can help. We spent many hot afternoons on the Tuk Tuk visiting Sri Lankan families with pups in need, and I will always cherish these moments.
A true and down to earth dog lover! Vanessa has been helping rescue groups for years and found her way to Sri Lanka where we met. Her energy and commitment to helping dogs is contagious and I am so lucky to have crossed paths with her. Vane and Pets Instagram