In May we met little Bo on the beach in Weligama, Sri Lanka. She was wandering around with her mom and a few siblings - looking for food, love and attention.

We started feeding the family every few days and over the course of about 1 month the puppies began to disappear, but Bo was still there playing in the sand. Her mom started to come and go, wandering farther and farther away from the beach in search of food. Sadly this meant Bo was often on the beach alone for hours at a time just waiting for someone to show up and spend time with her. 


Baby Bo from the beach


Baby Bo from the beach II


In July we picked up Bo off the beach and took her to a Ceylon Paws sterilization day. She was so excited to come along in the tuk tuk and head on an adventure. This is also when we started her ‘Bo’ because she had these wobbly little legs that stuck out causing her to have bow legs. 


Happy Bo from the beach


After her sterilization surgery Bo came home with us for the evening to rest and recover. We posted stories of her on The Paws instagram - and that’s when we heard from Victoria asking if she could adopt Bo…. To the USA! She had fallen in love with her sweet face and her story.

Over the next 2 months we got everything ready - we began the paperwork and process to send Bo to the USA, and in August we moved her to our house so she could stay safe with our family and have a place to call ‘home’. She settled right in - zooming around before her meals and spending her days napping in the sun and playing with dog bones. 


Bo from the beach - moves to our place 


Bo from the beach with our neighbor


Bo from the beach gets rescued


Every day her new mama fell more and more in love - anxiously awaiting her arrival into the USA. She renamed her Luna and prepared for her homecoming! 


Mid September the van arrived and Luna headed off towards to Colombo, Sri Lanka airport ready to board her Qatar Airways flight with a stopover in Doha. 


On September 12th Luna and Victoria were united in New York City at the JFK airport! We are BEYOND happy and excited for their story to begin - we are so glad they found each other! 


Bo from the beach lands the USA


Bo from the beach meets Victoria


Bo from the beach out on walks in the USA